Message from our CEO
-Andre Akbar McEntyre, CEO Humble Beginnings, Inc
Our Community Action Plan
Our Northside Community Action project is the roadmap for the Northside neighborhood
to advance its leadership, expand the organization’s capacity to serve the greater needs
of community members, while redirecting our partnerships and resources to align with
the broader plan to revitalize the entire 1st ward neighborhood.
The purchase and acquisition of the abandoned structure from the city of Paterson
require much-needed repairs to bring the project to fruition. Restoring the abandoned
structure will pose as a catalyst for redevelopment within the neighborhood while
encouraging additional investments within the entire city of Paterson.
So far, we have completed phase 1 of the project (Asbestos abatement, interior
gutting/demolishing, and architectural plans). Our current fundraising efforts are directed
at raising an additional $1,280,000.00 to complete the various phases that are outlined
on our website.
In our efforts to provide direct services to members of our community, Humble
Beginnings, Inc., has received a grant from the state of New Jersey to launch our
proposed Behavioral Health Assessment Program, that will pose as an afterschool
program and evening service for our adolescent, young adults, and members of their
families. This project is geared to assess the prevalence of behavioral health issues
within the neighborhood and methods of provided resources and information to
community members in resolving their personal issues.
This grant proposal will enable us to provide eight (8) employment opportunities to two
licensed Social Work professionals and six (6) intern specialists to provide education
and group activities for team-building strategies within a fun and safe environment.
Our recent collaboration with Local Content will help us to establish an HVAC
Certification Program serving the Offshore Wind Clean and Renewable Energy
Technologies industries. We are excited to partner with Chasing Winds on this
innovative initiative, which aligns with our mission to provide valuable educational
opportunities to our community under the umbrella of our Northside Community Action
Your generous contribution will assist us in building our organization’s capacity to serve
the more pressing needs of our community members while laying the foundation for a
strong economic development platform that would transform the entire 1 st ward